Saturday, 14 March 2015

Jane Austen portrait

An interesting email came to me last week from Ed Lefroy, a descendant from Thomas Lefroy (see here for our Oct 2007 post). When going through some of the books from Carrigglas Manor (built in 1837 by Thomas Lefroy) he found one called Personal Aspects of Jane Austen by Mary Augusta Austen-Leigh (1838-1922, great niece of Jane Austen) which has a frontispiece of a painting by Zoffany entitled Jane Austen.

The book was published in 1920 and interestingly the painting claiming to be of Jane Austen is the same painting known as the Rice Portrait (see our 2012 post). The Rice Portrait was originally attributed to Johann Zoffany as inscribed in this book but now is believed to have been made by Ozias Humphry (a renowned English painter) around 1788 when Jane Austen was 13 years old. Some still suggest that the painting dates to the early 19th century and thus cannot be of Austen, an interesting mystery.

Do you believe the painting is of Jane? We welcome your comments.

Pic 1 and 2: Sent from Ed Lefroy, taken from Personal Aspects of Jane Austen (1920)
Pic 3: Mary Augusta Austen-Leigh


Icha said...

The little girl was certainly much more alive than what transpired through Cassandra's "classical" JA painting (which I dislike so much). And we did have several posts about the facial contour analysis etc about the painting in the blog years ago... I believe this little girl was Jane Austen indeed.

thanks for the post!

Cathy van Weverwijk said...

It would be truly wonderfull, if this lovely girl was Jane austen. But i don`t think she is wearing the right fashion for 1788, therefore i do not believe she can be Jane.....

Icha said...

I am terribly sorry for our total slack of checking the old comments. We haven't been checking it for a while, thus we missed your comment. I will make more time to check comments from our dear readers. Please do forgive us for this oversight, and thank you for visiting us...