Sunday, 12 April 2009

Jane Austen Quote - Week 51

My quote this week is about selflessness, from Sense & Sensibility. It ties in well with Icha's post about selfishness. :)

Sense & Sensibility Book II, Chapter 37

Elinor was to be the comforter of others in her own distresses ...

It's very short, but I think that's all I need quote. The context is that Elinor is finally telling Marianne of Edward's past history ...

I love it. It speaks to me of an abundance of character - of a heart that gives, and continues to give, even when it's not 'receiving' in return. The more I read of Elinor, the more I love, admire and respect her. Don't you think it's beautiful? I think this quote shows human nature at its finest ...

Have a wonderful Easter!

Pic: Elinor & Marianne from: Pecuniarities


  1. Great quote, Michelle! Elinor was truly an amazing person... but thank God for Edward not marrying Lucy... I fear if Elinor was alone and always be the saviour for her family, she would develop a uterine fibroid or other disease for keeping everything to herself! Seriously, she needed to let it out once in a while. And she did finally, when she eventually blurted out about Edward to Marianne...

  2. Ah, yes, we Elinors of this world are like that. Seems like the story of my life. Hopefully we all have a happy ending though. Thanks Michelle for the quote, and Jane Austen for writing it.

    Linda the Librarian

  3. Uterine fibroid???!!! Brilliant Icha! Although I have a massive soft spot for Marianne, I have to say that Elinor is definitely someone who I respect enormously. Thanks for the quote Michelle.

  4. ^_^ I respect Elinor too, Rachel... very much. I just wish she set her own boundaries sometimes when all things are poured onto her shoulders without even considering her own health. Good that she was okay in the end.

  5. Really beautiful posting!!!
    Excellent photo! Very cool!
    Have a nice weekend!!
