Linda sent this quote below a week ago, but since Rachel and I were caught up with our own lives, we failed to post it last week. My apologies Linda, and Merry Christmas to you all!
PP 1995 souvenirs from JT Originals (cool stuffs there!) |
everyone seems to be caught up in the Christmas season, I thought it
appropriate to find a quote with Christmas in it from Jane herself.
So, here is one from Pride and Prejudice, Chapter 25:
the following Monday Mrs. Bennet had the pleasure of receiving her
brother and his wife, who came as usual to spend the Christmas at
think that even "way back then" there were traditions such as we have
today. Of course, we have tons of food to make and eat also. So we
have about 2 weeks to go [ed: it's actually four more nights to go; apologies for our late submission!], so do have fun and take every opportunity to enjoy yourselves.
Yrs aff'ly,
Linda the Librarian
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