Since July 4th is a National Holiday here in the US, I thought to see if the word "holiday" appeared in the Memoir. It did indeed and the context makes us love Tom all the more because it gives us a sense of his character that is really good, and unfortunately not to be found in the men of my acquaintance. Sigh.
In Chapter 12 of the Memoir of Chief Justice Lefroy we find:
"To the inner circle of his family, and those who enjoyed the privilege of frequent intercouse with him, I feel that any memorial of him would be wanting which omitted to notice his unalterable cheerfulness under the little every-day crosses of life. Though the shadow of a cloud might flit past, it seemed as if it could never long obscure the sunshine of his temper or his countenance. If a wet day interfered with some cherished plan for a holiday excursion (and he retained to the very last an almost childlike enjoyment of such occasions) we were sure soon to hear some such remark as "well, only think of the good this gracious rain will do in the country,"...
How nice it would be to see such a positive attitude on a daily basis. It would surely make life a lot more pleasant.
Yrs aff'ly,
Linda the Librarian
thank you Linda for the beautiful quote, and thank you Rachel for posting it. Happy 4th of July, Linda!