Sunday, 29 December 2013

Jane Austen Quote of the Week 256

The subject of "Truth" in all areas of our lives has recently been brought to my attention. That naturally led me to wonder what Jane and Tom had to say about it. I was not disappointed.

This will be Part 1 and concern Jane's encounter via her brother James and what he wrote in The Loiterer, of which I am sure that our Jane was well aware. Here is the first paragraph of Issue No. 2 of The Loiterer:

Ars Rhetorica, from Vimeo

Language has been commonly defined by Grammarians to be the Art of expressing our ideas. Nor was the definition a bad one, during those times when our rude ancestors were sufficiently uninformed in the Ars Rhetorica, to speak always what they really thought. But since we have wisely banished that absurd custom, I should humbly presume that the aforesaid definition might also be altered, and that from henceforward Language be entitled the Art of concealing our Ideas; and I will venture to assert it is used infinitely oftener for the latter purpose than the former, by all ranks and ages, and at all times and in all places. So totally indeed is a regard to veracity excluded from the system of modern ethics, that were it not for diseases, duns, and wives, who sometimes tell one disagreeable truths, one would imagine that Truth as well as Justice had left this degenerate world at the expiration of the Golden Age. And that I may not take an unfair advantage, I shall say nothing of the numerous tribes, whose situation authorizes and in some measure obliges them to a continual breach of veracity; (such as foreign ministers, ladies; maids, lawyers, an physicians; to which list I may also add lovers and their mistresses, who can claim so many precedents in favour of this practice, that they may be said to lie by prescriptive right) and only consider how little attention we all of us pay to truth in the common intercourse of life.

Due to my limited education, it was necessary to define Ars Rhetorica and the Golden Age. As you can see by the above quote, James deplores the then terrible world condition of Truth.

Lately (in the past 10 years at least) I have noticed those same "conditions" in today's world. Evidently from what James wrote it has been going on for quite some time and I cannot disagree with him.

I can't help but wonder how this condition (of lack of Truth) may have possibly shown up in Jane's works. However, that research would be a book in itself.

I never cease to be amazed at how smart all those Austens and their contemporaries really were. Now, you may check Part 2 and Tom's thoughts.

Yours in Truth,
Linda the Librarian

Monday, 23 December 2013

Jane Austen Quote of the Week 255

Sir Walter Scott in 1822 by Henry Raeburn

I seem to open my quote these days with apologies again for being late. My excuse this time was, again, a report overdue. But then also, I had difficulties in finding a quote that expresses what I feel at the moment (scroll down to see why). Thank God for our own Linda’s Loiterer; I found just what I needed there.

Here Linda compiled what male authors thought of Jane Austen post-mortem. Sir Walter Scott’s comments caught me, and I herewith quote it in its entirety. 

"Read again, for the third time at least, Miss Austen's finely written novel of 'Pride And Prejudice'. That young Lady had a talent for describing the involvements and feelings and characters of ordinary life, which is to me the most wonderful I ever met with. The big Bow-Wow strain I can do myself like any now going; but the exquisite touch which renders ordinary common-place things and characters interesting from the truth of the description and the sentiment is denied to me. What a pity such a gifted creature died so early!"

The Diary of Sir Walter Scott
(March 14, 1826)

“What a pity such a gifted creature died so early!” is something close to my heart at the moment. This morning I received sad news that an old colleague of mine passed away last night after battling cancer for a few months. She was a mere 44 years old, about Jane Austen’s age when our authoress died. As for my friend, I think it was – among others – overwork that contributed to her illness. I was somewhat aware of this coming, when I learned that she had metastatic cancer a few months back. But still, I still feel that pang of loss. 

My friend, like Jane Austen, was a hard worker. She worked hard for her cause, such that she seldom took a rest. Her passing is a strong reminder for me to slow down this holiday season. Yes, I have some reports coming... but so what? It’s not like I’ve been laying around doing nothing for the last few months.

It’s just... in this era, everything seems to be measured with what we have done. What we have achieved. Those are important, I don’t deny that. But those achievements should not come at a cost; certainly not health and happiness as a cost.  

So, let’s commit to ourselves to slow down this holiday season. Put the tools down, as my old friend told me this morning, when I told him about my sad news. Take a piece of paper or a diary and start writing, hand writing, not typing... that is a healthier option. Walk down the beach you always want to walk; go up the hill you always want to conquer. Take time to smell the fresh green grass... and let’s be grateful that we are still here, healthy and happy, to celebrate Christmas, Year End and New Year.

Monday, 16 December 2013

Jane Austen Quote of the Week 254

Tomorrow (16th December) will be Jane's 238th birthday.

There are so many quotes to pick from in order to celebrate Jane's birthday and mine might seem to be a strange choice, both because it has been used before on the blog but also because it doesnt seem to be birthday related. I love it though!

This quote is taken from chapter 5 of Mansfield Park when Mary is being spoken to about marriage.

"If one scheme of happiness fails, human nature turns to another; if the first calculation is wrong, we make a second better: we find comfort somewhere."

I think that this highlights Jane's philosophy; she recognises bad luck and events that occur in life which are out of our control but she also sees hope and gives us the courage to seek comfort in a better plan. These words are very uplifting for me and form wise advice from someone who, I believe, lived a honest, thoughtful and inspiring life.

Happy Birthday Jane!

Pic: Great design taken from old-fashioned charm blog

Saturday, 7 December 2013

Tom Lefroy Quote of the Week 35

Our James McAvoy as dear Tom Lefroy in 'Becoming Jane' 2007

This is Part 2 in my study of "Truth" and here is what I found in the "Memoir of Chief Justice Lefroy".  It is in Chapter 4, pages 76 to 78 specifically, but I highly recommend reading the entire chapter for more details.  I was astounded when I read it because it is exactly what I had lately thought of myself and he wrote this almost 200 years ago.  This quote is rather long but it does tell the story.  You may read the entire Memoir here:  Memoir of Chief Justice Lefroy.
Certain it is that the law may and does in some measure restrain the progress of crime, but it cannot reach the root of the evil or the source of crime. The law cannot change the nature or the habits of men, and our experience of the operation of the law since the year 1776 is demonstrative of this fact. It is no impeachment of the law that the evil has not been eradicated, nor any reason why we should abandon the law, or cease to carry it into execution. So long as men continue to commit crimes, the law must be shown to be supreme, and punishment should follow crime. But whilst we may naturally be indignant at the crimes which now exist, our feelings of humanity ought to lead us to find out, if possible, the source of the evil and its remedy, and we are happily not left without the means of doing so, for Scripture teaches us that the source of the evil lies in the absence of the fear of God, and of the influence of true religion, and we have on the same high authority the true and only remedy for the evil in that divine maxim, which should be impressed upon the minds of all " Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it." But, gentlemen, woeful experience has proved the converse of this great truth, for it is in the way in which they should not go that unhappily the lower orders of the people are too often trained up. To your own experience, gentlemen, I would put the question, 'What sort of training do the lower orders get ?' 1 am bold to say, that if my own children or the children of any of you whom I have the honour to address were so trained, they would probably become the same pests of society. I do not speak of these things theoretically, as I have made the disturbances of this country the frequent subject of my consideration during the last fifteen years, and I give it as my opinion, that until a well-ordered system of education is introduced, not the mere mechanical art of reading and writing, but a system calculated to impress upon the young mind as far as is in the power of man, to write upon the young heart, the great truths of Christianity truths which all sects and parties concur in acknowledging; unless such be done, it is idle to hope for peace, loyalty, or tranquility in this country; society will, as it is doing at present go on from bad to worse. I trust, gentlemen, that you whom I now address will take this matter seriously to heart, in pity, at all events to the rising generation, how- ever you may despair of the reform of those who now seem hardened in crime. I do not mean to dictate to you, gentlemen, it would not become me to do so from the place where I now address you ; I direct my observations to you as country gentlemen, and to you who now have schools on your estates, I would earnestly suggest the necessity for improving the present system of education, and no longer allowing the children of the peasantry to drink of the poison imbibed at the hedge schools, but to see that they are at least instructed in the fundamental truths of the Christian religion, which, you must allow me to remind you, forms a fundamental part of the law of the land. Without this, gentlemen, I see no means by which we can look for the fear of God and the principles of religion having their due influence upon the rising generation, nor do I see any other means of striking at the root of the evils which now afflict our unhappy country.

Whew, and this is just a "small" excerpt of an eye-opening chapter.  I must find time to read the entire Memoir for who-knows what  else is in there.   Tom really was "something else" as we say now-a-days.  As for Truth, "you will know the Truth and the Truth will set you free"!
Happy Reading,
Linda the Librarian

Sunday, 24 November 2013

Jane Austen Quote of the Week 253

This week I have not chosen a Jane Austen quote but instead a quote from The Lost Memoirs of Jane Austen by Syrie James as it stood out for me this week.

"I believe there is a kind of happiness to be found in every thing in life, in all that is good and pleasing, as well as in that which is sad or poignant."

Through the work that I do I hear peoples experiences, often these experiences are intense and challenging to overcome. This is a quote that some people may disagree with on initially reading. The "kind of" is relevant as we learn from every experience and this is to vital for us developing through our lives.

Pic: Kind of happiness

How to Speak Like Jane Austen and Live Like Elizabeth Bennet

How to Speak Like Jane Austen and Live Like Elizabeth Bennet – a delightfully inventive interpretation of all things Pride and Prejudice translates the lively language of Jane Austen and the lovely lifestyle of Elizabeth Bennet into easy-to-embrace guidelines for 21st century living, making it possible to talk like Jane and act like Elizabeth – anytime, anyplace.
Honoring the 200th anniversary of the novel’s 1813 publication, faithful followers of Pride and Prejudice now have a way to bring the timeless eloquence of Jane Austen and the inspired enlightenment of Elizabeth Bennet into their everyday lives.

Pride and Prejudice has enjoyed more than two centuries of unprecedented popularity – its most recent surge attributed to the wildly successful 1995 BBC/A&E production. As a result, contemporary interpretations of Austen’s work abound in the popular culture of “Austenmania,” yet not one focuses solely on Austen’s best loved novel and its most admired heroine – until now! 

How to Speak Like Jane Austen and Live Like Elizabeth Bennet by Kaelyn Caldwell is available through all major e-book retailers. To read excerpts, please visit

Much like Austen and Elizabeth, How to Speak Like Jane Austen and Live Like Elizabeth Bennet takes a sometimes lighthearted, sometimes serious, approach to the parlance and pace of Pride and Prejudice:

  • Part I, “How to Speak Like Jane Austen,” is an entertaining resource, translating 21st century words, phrases and sentiments into their Pride and Prejudice counterparts, making it easy to introduce the author’s language into contemporary conversation.
  • A more serious interpretation of Elizabeth’s lifestyle is contained in Part II, “How to Live Like Elizabeth Bennet,” which distills the heroine’s circumspect and circumscribed existence into simple precepts for modern living.
  • Part III, “What would Lizzie Do?,” puts the enjoyment of the language and the inspiration of the lifestyle together in a lighthearted imagining of a more Austen-sounding and Elizabeth-acting way of life.


Monday, 18 November 2013

Jane Austen Quote of the Week 252

I am using James Austen's "The Loiterer" for my Jane quote since I sincerely believe that Jane was influenced by his writings and she learned a lot, too. Since I have a minor in History, you will know that I love that subject and that is why I quote from James Austen's periodical "The Loiterer" Issue No. 7 this week. I will only quote a few sentences in order to pique your interest to read the entire Issue. So, speaking on the subject of "history" James writes in the second paragraph:
It relates indeed the vices of tyrants, the meanness of their flatterers, and the miseries of their people; but it relates also the virtues of their destroyers, the public spirit of a party struggling for liberty, and the happiness of a nation which enjoys it. And if the unhardened sensibility of youth, and the unpolluted bosom of innocence, will turn in disgust from the short-lived frenzies of a Caligula or a Claudius, they will dwell with repeated rapture on the glorious annals of a Trajan or an Antonine. - Since history can boast examples at once so powerful to deter from vicious extravagance, and incite to virtuous undertakings, no wonder it has been ever the favourite study of the wise and great: that it has stimulated the one to new discoveries, and the other to difficult achievements.
Well, I make no claim to be one of the "wise and great" due to my study of history, but I have certainly learned a lot from it. I remember the old saying that "history repeats itself" and I can see history repeating itself in these present days of turmoil and troubles as well as seeing those who "turn in disgust" from these turmoils.
I highly recommend the entire issue for your consideration and you may read it here: The Loiterer, Issue No. 7.
Because of my intense love of History and due to the events of these days, I stumbled onto a slew of historical writings that shed a lot of light on the current events of today. Consequently, I found Daniel Defoe, William Wilberforce, and the multitude of "periodicals" mentioned by my esteemed and beloved James Austen in his Loiterer. I have found tons on line and have downloaded many so that I can have them on hand, especially since they are out of print. Thank goodness for Google books. And lest I forget, the multitude of writings mentioned by Jane, herself. I must say that all that will keep me busy for quite a while and they are too numerous to mention all the titles. So Happy Reading and Searching.
Linda the Librarian

Sunday, 10 November 2013

Jane Austen Quote of the Week 251

This week I am using an exchange between Mr Darcy and Elizabeth in Pride and Prejudice when discussing "the" letter in Chapter 58 (or volume 3, chapter 16). She begins:

``The letter, perhaps, began in bitterness, but it did not end so. The adieu is charity itself. But think no more of the letter. The feelings of the person who wrote, and the person who received it, are now so widely different from what they were then, that every unpleasant circumstance attending it ought to be forgotten. You must learn some of my philosophy. Think only of the past as its remembrance gives you pleasure.''

``I cannot give you credit for any philosophy of the kind. Your retrospections must be so totally void of reproach, that the contentment arising from them is not of philosophy, but, what is much better, of innocence. But with me, it is not so. Painful recollections will intrude which cannot, which ought not, to be repelled. I have been a selfish being all my life, in practice, though not in principle. As a child I was taught what was right, but I was not taught to correct my temper. I was given good principles, but left to follow them in pride and conceit.

I have come across this a few times as it is such a turning point in the novel but the bolded line is what always sticks out for me. Is Elizabeth speaking out of innocence because she has not experienced pain previously? Or is she speaking out of wisdom because to refer to the past with pleasure (even if focussing only on the positive elements) will surely make for a more pleasant present and outlook into the future.

Pic: Mr Darcy writing letter

Monday, 4 November 2013

Tom Lefroy Quote Week 34

Apologies for being late... but I hope it's okay!

 My apologies for being late with the quote; totally forgot about it. I had a busy weekend; we had three dinners with friends in three consecutive nights (invited friends on Friday night and Sunday nights and attended dinner at a friend’s place on Saturday night). Must remind myself to ask Rachel to Whatsapp me in case I haven’t sent any quotes by Sunday morning on my turns. Otherwise, I will always be late... But I hope the Tom Lefroy quote here made it up.

From The Memoir of Chief Justice Lefroy, page 33. A letter from Tom to his son Anthony:

“I hope you are attentive to your business, and get your lessons, not merely so as to pass, but so as to understand them as perfectly as you can, and above all things that you don’t loiter and waste time. When you play,– play, – but when you read, read and don’t play.”

Well, I often feel that I don’t have enough time for myself lately. Been chased around by deadlines. However, I am pleased to report that I did not work at all on Saturday, and only worked on an email briefly for 10 minutes on Sunday. Last weekend was still very busy, admittedly. But still, I played. Of sort.

Sunday, 27 October 2013

Jane Austen Quote of the Week 250

I have stumbled across a most Delightful and Insightful book, namely: The Jane Austen Guide to Life: Thoughtful Lessons for the Modern Woman" by Lori Smith.
I am so excited I can hardly stand myself!!  Lori has analysed Jane's books and covered a multitude of 'womanly' subjects.  I only wish I had had this book some 60 years ago, because I would hope that it would have literally changed my life.  Jane was so intelligent about so many things including "women".  Lori has quoted extensively from Jane's books to prove her points.  Every woman should read this book - and LEARN !
So I will only quote for you the same quote from last week from The Loiterer, Issue No. 9 where Jane, as Sophia Sentiment' says:
I am a great reader...."
You can check out Lori's book at Amazon here:  "The Jane Austen Guide to Life".   You can also check out Lori's own web site here:  Lori Smith, writer.  Now I also am anxious to read her other book "A walk with Jane Austen: a journey into adventure, love, and faith".
Enjoy !!
Linda the Librarian

Jane Austen novels rewritten for the modern audience

It has been reported that four authors are going to be re-writing Austen's novels for modern-day readers.

Alexander McCall Smith, best known for his No 1 Ladies' Detective Agency series, is writing a version of Emma.
Sense and Sensibility will be recreated by Joanna Trollope, Northanger Abbey by Val McDermid and Pride and Prejudice by Curtis Sittenfeld.

You can read more in the Guardian article here.

Sunday, 20 October 2013

Jane Austen Quote of the Week 249

The Loiterer, available from Amazon
Dear Readers, first let me quote from James Austen's "The Loiterer" No. 9 where I believe is a letter to the Editor written by Jane herself:
You must know, Sir, I am a great reader, and not to mention some hundred volumes of Novels and Plays, have, in the last two summers, actually got through all the entertaining papers of our most celebrated periodical writers, from the Tatler and Spectator to the Microcosm and the Olla Podrida.
I wish to recommend some excellent books written by my friend, Linden Salter, for our Great Readers here at Becoming Jane.
Here are the titles of her 3 books:  The Lady and the Luddite, The Major's Minion, and Freedom in my Love.  You can find the descriptions and links to purchase them at her web site here:  Linden Salter
I was honored to offer a few suggestions during the writing of Freedom in my Love and Linden was kind enough to mention my name on the Acknowlegements page.  That was a "first" for me.
Linden is now working on having her latest book published as a e-book.  I am so looking forward to that one.  Oh, and her special interest is the French Revolution.  Enjoy!
Yrs aff'ly,
Linda the Librarian

Sunday, 6 October 2013

Tom Lefroy Quote of the Week 33

I am so amazed that when I am to post a quote, there is something going on in my life that prompts me to look up a certain subject and - Lo and Behold - I always find something in Jane or Tom's writings that addresses that subject.
So, lately I have been pondering 2 subjects, namely, the study habits of my grandchildren and what Jane and/or Tom thought about their God.  I found both subjects in "The Memoir of Chief Justice Lefroy" in a letter he wrote to his wife in Chapter 4, Page 86:
I hope my dear namesake [his eldest son] is not forgetting his October Examination; every hour he labours now is an advance in preparing him for those duties honourable to himself and useful to the public, in which I hope to see him engaged hereafter, and I can tell him that the present exercise of his mind and the formation now of habits of close application is the way to fit him for usefulness and distinction in the future life.  May God bless you all, my darling earthly treasures, and may He make us all sensible of the value of having the Lord for our God no imaginary God, but He who has made Himself known to us in His Word and by His dear Son, all others are but idols, and as John says, so say I, "Little children, keep yourselves from idols." 1 John v. 21.
Now, there we have Tom's admonishment to study hard and pay attention to our Godly studies also. Oh, and there are many mentions of "God" in the Memoir which tells me a lot about Tom's own religious beliefs.  To top that off, Tom wrote about this some 200 years ago.  Will we ever learn?  Sigh.
Yrs aff'ly,
Linda the Librarian

Sunday, 29 September 2013

Jane Austen Quote of the Week 248

Alan Rickman as my favourite Col. Brandon from Sense & Sensibility 1995

 I was looking for a quote about friendship just now when I was attracted to the bold quote below. I found it here; the expanded quote is from Pemberley. From Sense & Sensibility, Chapter 31, when my dear Colonel Brandon (the Alan Rickman version in my head) visited Elinor after Marianne received the horrible letter from Willoughby:

"I met Mrs. Jennings in Bond Street," said he, after the first salutation, "and she encouraged me to come on; and I was the more easily encouraged, because I thought it probable that I might find you alone, which I was very desirous of doing. My object -- my wish -- my sole wish in desiring it -- I hope, I believe it is -- is to be a means of giving comfort; -- no, I must not say comfort -- not present comfort -- but conviction, lasting conviction to your sister's mind. My regard for her, for yourself, for your mother -- will you allow me to prove it, by relating some circumstances, which nothing but a very sincere regard -- nothing but an earnest desire of being useful -- -. I think I am justified -- though where so many hours have been spent in convincing myself that I am right, is there not some reason to fear I may be wrong?" He stopped. 

"I understand you," said Elinor. "You have something to tell me of Mr. Willoughby, that will open his character farther. Your telling it will be the greatest act of friendship that can be shewn Marianne. My gratitude will be insured immediately by any information tending to that end, and hers must be gained by it in time. Pray, pray let me hear it." 

While we know it was the right thing for Brandon to disclose Willoughby's secrets, Brandon's words did leave me wondering. I hope I will remember it whenever I find myself trying so hard to prove that I'm right. I could be right, but who knows, I could be wrong too...

Saturday, 21 September 2013

Jane Austen Quote of the Week 247

This week I was on an introductory teacher training course and it was really interesting. Lots was discussed, including the historical view that boys were first in line for an education.

I have chosen a quote from Chaper 1 of Mansfield Park:

Give a girl an education and introduce her properly into the world, and ten to one but she has the means of settling well, without further expense to anybody. ”

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.

Pic: Mansfield Park

Sunday, 15 September 2013

Jane Austen Quote of the Week 246 by Linda

The ITV Mansfield Park 2007 from

For quite a while now I have been thinking about the subject of "families" particularly about how family members should treat each other.  So I checked to see if Jane Austen had anything to say on the subject.  Fortunately, I stumbled onto Lori Smith's blog and web site.  She also has a book I want to read titled "The Jane Austen Guide to Life".  Now that sounds interesting!

Her blog on Jane Austen Quotes has one titled 'Family squabbling'.  That is where I found my Jane Austen Quote from "Mansfield Park", volume 1 chapter 13:
Family squabbling is the greatest evil of all...
The bottom line is that we should treat family members the same way we should treat everyone elso on earth - with kindness, respect, helpfulness and so on.  Well, that thought led me to go see what the Bible has to say on that subject and I landed at Galatians 6:1-2:
1.  Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted.
2.  Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ.
And all that boils down to the old saying "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."  Oh my goodness, I looked that one up in the Bible and found Luke 6:27-38.  Wow, I had quite forgotten all the 'ins and outs' to that simple "do unto others..." but those verses sure spell it all out.  Now, if only we all followed that advice, what a wonderful world it would be!  No wars, etc.!
As Jane would say, "I leave it for you to determine."  I am looking forward to your thoughts on this subject since it is so dear to my heart.
Yrs aff'ly,
Linda the Librarian