Monday, 4 November 2013

Tom Lefroy Quote Week 34

Apologies for being late... but I hope it's okay!

 My apologies for being late with the quote; totally forgot about it. I had a busy weekend; we had three dinners with friends in three consecutive nights (invited friends on Friday night and Sunday nights and attended dinner at a friend’s place on Saturday night). Must remind myself to ask Rachel to Whatsapp me in case I haven’t sent any quotes by Sunday morning on my turns. Otherwise, I will always be late... But I hope the Tom Lefroy quote here made it up.

From The Memoir of Chief Justice Lefroy, page 33. A letter from Tom to his son Anthony:

“I hope you are attentive to your business, and get your lessons, not merely so as to pass, but so as to understand them as perfectly as you can, and above all things that you don’t loiter and waste time. When you play,– play, – but when you read, read and don’t play.”

Well, I often feel that I don’t have enough time for myself lately. Been chased around by deadlines. However, I am pleased to report that I did not work at all on Saturday, and only worked on an email briefly for 10 minutes on Sunday. Last weekend was still very busy, admittedly. But still, I played. Of sort.

1 comment:

  1. Great pic and great quote!
    Really resonates at the moment for me as well - always trying to do two things at once and then not doing either of them effectively.
    Am glad you had a restful weekend last weekend and I hope that this one is just the same. Thanks Icha.
