Saturday, 31 August 2013

Jane Austen Quote of the Week 244

I apologise for the lack of quote last weekend, we all have been very busy.
Linda has provided the following:
Since my Granddaughter expressed an absolute loathing this week for the subject of History, I was led to explore "The Loiterer" for some idea of the feelings on that subject by the Austen Family.  I found the following in Issue No. 7, subtitled "Use and Advantages of Studying History", and I quote

the first sentence which sets the tone and ideas:
If the respective merits of our different studies are to be settled by the pleasure which arises from their pursuit, or the utility which results from their attainment, historic knowledge will justly claim the highest rank amongst our literary acquirement.
James then goes on the cover the multitude of problems, and accomplishments of the world.  I heartily recommend reading the entire issue for your enlightment.  You may read it HERE.
Yrs aff'ly,
Linda the Librarian

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