Sunday, 12 May 2013

Jane Austen Quote of the Week 232

I apologise for being far less organised recently and thank Linda for coming up with a great quote to use today. I believe that it is Mothers Day in the US today so Happy Mother's Day to all mothers from us here at the Becoming Jane blog.

Since this Sunday, May 12, is Mother's Day over here in the U.S., I thought it would be appropriate to see what Jane had to say about Mothers. I found this thoughtful mention in Persuasion, Chapter 17:
While Sir Walter and Elizabeth were assiduously pushing their good fortune in Laura Place, Anne was renewing an acquaintance of a very different description.
She had called on her former governess, and had heard from her of there being an old school-fellow in Bath, who had the two strong claims on her attention of past kindness and present suffering. Miss Hamilton, now Mrs. Smith, had shewn her kindness in one of those periods of her life when it had been most valuable. Anne had gone unhappy to school, grieving for the loss of a mother whom she had dearly loved, feeling her separation from home, and suffering as a girl of fourteen, of strong sensibility and not high spirits, must suffer at such a time; and Miss Hamilton, three years older than herself, but still, from the want of near relations and a settled home, remaining another year at school, had been useful and good to her in a way which had considerably lessened her misery, and could never be remembered with indifference.
As you can see it is very nice to 'remember' our Mothers whilst we have them. I do wish everyone reading this a very Happy Mother's Day.
Yrs aff'ly,
Linda the Librarian

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