Sunday, 13 January 2013

Tom Lefroy Quote of the Week - Week 27

I have chosen a quote from chapter VII, page 197, of the Memoir of Chief Justice Lefroy.

This is an extract from a letter to his wife, written from Bangor on a Thursday.

"All nature appears in its most attractive form - a magnificent setting sun just over the dark and massy wood stretched along the opposite bank of the Menai - the air mild as summer, and the sea, with its unruffled glassy surface, spread out below. My window looks out directly on all this beautiful scenery, but yet my heart is looking back to the scenes I left, rather than enjoying those before me."

I think that this quote shows just how sensitive and romantic Mr Lefroy was. His descriptive language is just beautiful, Jane and Tom definitely had something in common.


  1. Oh dear me, Yes! Romantic, indeed! And the picture is lovely.

    However, I had to investigate those place names. I knew of Bangor, Maine in the USA and I thought there is a Bangor in India (maybe not - or the spelling is different). I did find Menai Strait though. The journeys that Jane and Tom lead us on. Whew.

    Yrs aff'ly,
    Linda the Librarian - always learning

  2. Good catch, Rachel! What a beautiful prose. Yes, Tom was actually quite a desperate romantic too...

    Thanks for the excellent quote!

  3. Linda, do you mean 'Bangalore' for the place in India? I actually also thought of that place, somehow. LOL!

  4. That could be it, Icha. I am not sure. It must be somewhere out there, if we both thought of it.


  5. have you guys seen this? I wouldn't mind going... ;)
