Saturday, 14 May 2011

Tom Lefroy Quote - Week 8

For our Tom quote this week, I have taken a small excerpt from a letter to his wife found in the "Memoir of Chief Justice Lefroy." The letter begins on page 28 where we find this report of his studies while traveling by coach:

"I read over and compared most part of the Epistle to the Romans, with all those to the Galatians and the Ephesians, and part of those to the Corinthians; every time I read and compare them new light breaks in, and I am determined I will work on without note or comment endeavouring to make out the meaning for myself, which I should think may be done by patience and attention."
He then continues on to explain what all he discerned from those scriptures and it is quite beautiful. You may read the entire letter yourself here: Memoir of Chief Justice Lefroy. The letter is found on pages 28 through 30. I can only imagine what this world would have gained if it had been possible for him to marry our dear Jane.

Yrs aff'ly,

Linda the Librarian

Pic: Tom and Jane, Becoming Jane

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