Sunday, 2 January 2011

Tom Lefroy Quote Week 3

Happy New Year my dear friends! From the bottom of our hearts, Team Jane wishes you the best year ever (so far of course, and much more to come), full of love, health, happiness and prosperity.

To celebrate the New Year, I looked for some quotes from Tom (because we have not quoted him for a while) and found this one. From The Memoir of Chief Justice Lefroy p 241, addressed by Tom Lefroy to his wife (Mary Paul):

March 31, 1846

Here I am again, thanks be to our gracious Lord, who has been with me at my going forth and my returning, and followed me all the way with His mercy and goodness. Oh, how we ought to desire not to be left to ourselves.

Indeed, I found myself utterly blessed and guided throughout the year 2010, I hope I shall receive the same (or more) bliss and guidance throughout 2011. And the same hope for you all, of course. Thanks for accompanying our journeys so far, and may the Eternal Light bless us all.


  1. Thanks Icha for the quote. I adore the picture, very beautiful.
    I also want to wish all our dear readers a Happy 2011.

  2. Thank you for this beautiful quote! I didn't realize quite the fervor of Tom's faith and I echo his sentiments that the Lord has been very good this year! Thank you for your own New Year wishes and I pray that this year ahead is filled with many blessings for you as well! :)

    ~Miss Laurie

  3. You have captured our heart's desire and wishes from all of us at Team Jane, dearest Icha.

    I can only echo Rachel's and Miss Laurie's words. Blessings to everyone.

    Yrs most aff'ly,
    Linda the Librarian
