Thursday, 6 January 2011

Jane Austen Festival Australia 2011

I've been aware of this news for at least a month now, but just kept forgetting to post it.

Anyway, yes Ladies and Gents: the Jane Austen Festival Australia 2011 is to be conducted in the fine city of Canberra on 14-17 April 2011!

The early bird tickets were already sold out (!), but there are regular tickets (AU 225) and door tickets (AU 295) remaining for Adult over 18. You can also apply as a volunteer, there is discount ticket for that!

There are various programs, including Ribbon Trims, Regency Sleeve Styles (I was not aware of various sleeves in Regency era!), Regency Riding Habit (there you go Darcy!), Austen in Performance, Gothic Novels of the 18th CE (is Miss Morland to attend?), Regency Spicing, Chemisette workshop, Regency Makeup, Hair Styling the Regency Way, and Jane Austen's Music!

Alas, my student visa expires on 28 March and towards Bali I must thusly go beforehand. Otherwise, I'd tag my partner along (his birthday is the last day of the festival) and dress from head to toe in Regency style. I even have the dress ready, look! Just came from Etsy a few days ago.

I am just unsure that my partner wishes to dress as Mr Knightley in Regency style. Hmmm... Perhaps we can save it for next year instead... that is if the Immigration lets me visit with the tourist visa.

Pic 1: Jane Austen Festival Australia 2011
Pic 2: Me in my baby blue Austen dress!


  1. Looks great. Love your blue dress! Bit too far away for me (I live in Ireland) but these living history events are always worth visiting. I was a re-enactor myself and wrote a blog about my experiences here:

    Maybe we can exchange some experiences. :)

  2. Aw I love that dress! I wonder if there's something like this in Sweden... I guess we're more into Bellman and the 1700's here. Too bad really. Sure, nice dresses, but I prefer the Regency cut... :P

    Hope your Christmas and New Years had been great!

    xoxo/ Maria in Sweden

  3. Aww... thanks a lot Ladies.

    Renate, I've looked into your post, OMG, you have a complete wardrobe, including the bonnet and the umbrella! What shoes would you wear in such an event? I prefer something closed toe, e.g. boots and pumps. Do you have to wear socks? It's bloody hot in Australia!

    Maria, wouldn't the 1700s make you wear the Marie Antoinette dresses? Very extravagant and costs more yards of fabric, but still pretty imo.

  4. Btw Maria, you're SO close to UK, why not visiting it for the next JA Festival? You'll be able to visit Bath and compare notes with Rachel and Mariana!

  5. Love the dress!!! It's so pretty and you look good. So glad you have a place to wear it and be right in style!
    Enjoy it!

  6. Thanks a lot Lis. Unfortunately, I must delay the visit to Canberra to next year, if I'm lucky, due to my visa deadline.

    But otherwise, yes you're correct, I'm dress-ready ^_^

  7. Wonderful festival celebration there, am sure you really dress up with a beautiful dress on that celebration. Thanks so much for sharing the coolest festival in Australia.

  8. Your blue dress looks lovely :) Jane Austen Festival Australia is on again on 12-15 April 2012 and season tickets are definitely available. In 2012 there will be more happening - with archery and a Country Fayre on the lawns :) as well as a film night, a variety night and the Grand Jane Austen Festival Ball! You can see the program at
