Saturday, 13 March 2010

Jane Austen Quote of the Week 99 - by Linda

In Emma Chapter 5:

Mrs. Weston and Mr. Knightley are discussing the merits of Emma having Harriet as a friend. Mrs. Weston thought it was beneficial to Emma, but Mr. Knightley disagreed. Consequently, Mrs. Weston said:

"Mr. Weston would undoubtedly support me, if he were here, for he thinks exactly as I do on the subject. We were speaking of it only yesterday, and agreeing how fortunate it was for Emma, that there should be such a girl in Highbury for her to associate with. Mr. Knightley, I shall not allow you to be a fair judge in this case. You are so much used to live alone, that you do not know the value of a companion; and perhaps no man can be a good judge of the comfort a woman feels in the society of one of her own sex, after being used to it all her life. I can imagine your objection to Harriet Smith. She is not the superior young woman which Emma's friend ought to be. But on the other hand as Emma wants to see her better informed, it will be an inducement to her to read more herself. They will read together. She means it, I know."

The sentence in bold speaks volumes about Jane and Cassandra’s relationship. I cannot speak for our Gentlemen friends, but as a woman, I know the value of my close, personal, ‘lady’ friends and I would not like to be without their company. They are all as close as “sisters” could ever be. We can share our trials, as well as the good times. Each of us has an area of interest, and expertise that contribute to our mutual information, knowledge, and education which broadens our horizons. I am ever so grateful for them. We should remember to say “Thank You” more often.

Linda the Librarian

Pic: Mrs. Weston (Greta Sacchi) and Emma (Gwyneth Palthrow) in Emma 1996, taken from Janitesonthejames

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Linda.

    I received the following email only yesterday and it links in rather nicely to your quote:

    "A young wife visited with her mother.
    As they talked about life, marriage, the responsibilities of life & the obligations of adulthood, the mother turned a clear, sober glance upon her daughter. 'Don't forget your sisters,' she advised.'They'll be more important as you get older. No matter how much you love your husband, no matter how much you love the children you may have, you are still going to need sisters. Remember to go places with them now & then; do things with them. 'Remember that 'sisters' means ALL the women...your girlfriends, your
    daughters & all your other women relatives too. 'You'll need other women, women always do.

    ' What a funny piece of advice!' the young woman thought. Haven't I just gotten married? Haven't I just joined the couple-world? Surely my husband & the family we may start will be all I need to make my life worthwhile!' But she listened to her mother. She kept contact with her sisters & made more women friends each year. As the years tumbled by-one after another-she gradually came to
    understand that her mother really knew what she was talking about.

    As time & nature work their changes & their mysteries upon a woman, sisters are the mainstays of her life.

    Time passes.
    Life happens.
    Distance separates.
    Children grow up.
    Jobs come & go.
    Love waxes and wanes.
    Men don't do what they're supposed to do.
    Hearts break...
    Parents die.
    Colleagues forget favors.
    Careers end.
    Sisters are there, no matter how much time and how many miles are
    between you. A girl friend is never farther away than needing her can reach. When you have to walk that lonesome valley & you have to walk it by yourself, the women in your life will be on the valley's rim, cheering you on, praying for you, pulling for you, intervening on your behalf & waiting with open arms at the valley's end. Sometimes, they
    will even break the rules & walk beside you...Or come in and carry you out.
    Girlfriends, daughters, granddaughters, daughters-in-law, sisters, sisters-in-law, Mothers, Grandmothers, aunties, nieces, cousins, and extended family: all bless our life!"

