Monday, 29 March 2010

Jane Austen Festival of Australia!

My Lords, Ladies and Gents,

It is with a great pleasure I - very belatedly - announce the upcoming Jane Austen Festival in... yes... in Australia! April 15 to 19, 2010 that is... so any Jane Austen fans in Australia, be ready to depart to Canberra!

The delightful event of Jane Austen Festival Australia is orchestrated by Earthly Delights, yet alas I shall not be able to attend, for I am required elsewhere to conduct my field work...

But do deliver us some first hand reports of this exciting event. I shall be honoured to post them here in our dearest blog. Several events I would personally be interested in attending are:

Friday, 16 April 2010
Dressing Jane Austen Fashion Exhibition
Country Dances from Jane Austen's Day
Dances from Jane Austen Movies (dance workshop)
Friday Evening Formal Event, incl. Jane Austen's Music & the felicities of dance

Saturday, 17 April 2010
Dressing Jane Austen Fashion Exhibition
More Country Dances from Jane Austen's Day (dance workshop)
Quadrille Dances from Jane Austen's Day

Sunday, 18 April 2010
Dressing Jane Austen Fashion Exhibition
Costumed Promenade: starting at 10.30am
How to Talk Regency with William Steed
Regency Dance Manuals

I suppose I just have to arrange my own trip to Canberra sometime this year to have a crash course of Regency Dance...

Pic: Regency dancers, from Eartly Delights

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