Thursday, 25 March 2010

Comment moderation

Ladies and Gents... I have to make this short announcement. Unfortunately, our blog is also targeted by spams... and I had to spend the last 20 min deleting more than 10 spam comments from our blog. There are some more that I forgot to delete in the past, and I have to do that soon.

Hence, I'm now setting the comment moderation in our blog. I hate to do that, for it limits the willingness for some people to post comment, and also takes my time (or Rachel's), but that's the best thing to prevent these spamming. Unless some of you who are more adept in IT can tell me how to filter unwanted spams from blog messages.

Until further notice, I hope it doesn't stop you from dropping by and saying hi.


  1. Dear Icha,
    First let me wish you a belated happy birthday, and offer my compliments on the attractive new banner.
    I'm afraid I won't be much help with the comment spam. I had never even heard of 'comment moderation' before now. I am wondering if you can tell whether the spam was entered manually (by someone who had to go through word verification) or was automated and perhaps slipped in through some other portal. If the latter, perhaps you could complain to the hosting site (Blogger? Google?) to beef up their security.

  2. Thank you very much Bilbo for the compliments for new banner (which goes to Maria, actually) and my birthday. I had to 'allow' your comment to enter just now, and it's annoying for it;s not real time then.

    The comments were entered manually, for it belongs to a blogger, but you're right. I should complain to the Blogger so that they update their security for the better.

  3. Dear all,
    Is there anyone who could give me a help? I'm desperately looking for a piece of information: do you know where Jane's piece of writing dedicated to Cassandra ("The boundaries of propriety
    were vigorously assaulted, as was only right, but not quite breached,
    as was also right" etc) comes from?
    I'm doing a research on the adaptation but I can't find the quotation anywhere in Austen's works. Do you think they made it up? Anyone has any suggestion?
    Many thanks

  4. Dear all,
    Is there anyone who could give me a help? I'm desperately looking for a piece of information: do you know where Jane's piece of writing dedicated to Cassandra ("The boundaries of propriety
    were vigorously assaulted, as was only right, but not quite breached,
    as was also right" etc) comes from?
    I'm doing a research on the adaptation but I can't find the quotation anywhere in Austen's works. Do you think they made it up? Anyone has any suggestion?
    Many thanks
