Sunday, 26 April 2009

Quote of the Week - Week 53 by Rachel

As you all know, I have been away but I have come back to some amazing quotes posted by the other ladies. The quote I have chosen for this week may not have the same depth but it is from our dear Emma and I love it nevertheless.

It is taken from chapter 12, Emma, and it appears after Frank Churchill promises Emma two dances at the next ball. Emma then receives a letter from Mrs Weston warning her that Mrs Churchill is ill and that Frank had been called home by his uncle. Prior to departure, Frank pays a visit upon Emma:

"But you will come again," said Emma. "This will not be your only visit to Randalls."

"Ah!- (shaking his head)- the uncertainty of when I may be able to return!- I shall try for it with a zeal!- It will be the object of all my thoughts and cares!- and if my uncle and aunt go to town this spring- bit I am afraid- they did not stir last spring- I am afraid it is a custom gone for ever."

"Our poor ball must be quite given up."

"Ah! that ball!- why did we wait for any thing?-why not seize the pleasure at once?-How often is happiness destroyed by preparation, foolish preparation!- You told us it would be so.- Oh! Miss Woodhouse, why are you always so right?"

"Indeed, I am very sorry to be right in this instance. I would much rather have been merry than wise."

The highlighted line is sooooooo Emma! So passionate, so forthright and so wise. I only wish that we would all take heed of her wisdom. Especially in the world where we live now; everything is revolved around our schedules and our limited time! Why prepare to be happy? Everyday should be filled with pleasures as life is too short to plan happiness in our diaries!! This quote just leaped out at me as I know for sure that I want to be one of those people who "seize pleasure at once."

Pic 1: Jane Austen Today
Pic 2: Emma by C.E. Brock (1908),


  1. Okay, now the tech glitch has been fixed... somehow... I will move on with the comment.

    Inspiring post, Rachel dear, and welcome back once again! I have to make a comment regarding the

    why not seize the pleasure at once?-How often is happiness destroyed by preparation, foolish (preparation!)A dear acquaintance of mine called it 'windows of opportunity', and it has the nasty habit of closing when we least expect them to be. So... whenever we have the chance and the guts to jump at it, jump!

    I did that a few months ago, and I didn't regret it...

  2. Thanks for sorting out my technical glitch Icha! I will learn?!
