Saturday, 6 December 2008

Jane Austen Quote of the Week - Week 33

I should title this post: "Why I love Emma Woodhouse" and of course, by extension, Jane Austen. I love Emma, and this quote really sums it all up. It's taken from Chapter 54, when Emma and Knightley are arguing over Harriet Smith's rejection of Robert Martin. Knightely says to Emma, "What do you deserve?" and she replies:

"Oh! I always deserve the best treatment, because I never put up with any other..."

Isn't she marvellous? I know this is short - but that's all I really want to say! Jane always puts a smile on my face. Now I think I'll go back to reading Emma ... and I've almost decided that it should be my first book for the New Year (I always make a big deal of that, but I rarely remember year-to-year which book opened the year - silly really).

Have a great week, and may Jane brighten it for you!

Pic: Kate Beckinsale as Emma from: Strangegirl


  1. I love that quote! I should remember it more often! As always, Jane is 'right on'!

    Thanks Michelle. I send love from,

    Linda the Librarian

  2. Aaah! So Emma! Great quote, Jane and Michelle. Such a confidence by dearest Jane Austen!

  3. Very charming,indeed:)There are so many brisk quotes in Emma!This is one of them...

  4. Arent some of the shorter ones just the best?! Straight to the point! Thanks Michelle!
