Sunday, 2 November 2008

Jane Austen Quote of the Week 28

Sorry for the late installment of quote of the week, but I’ve been having a hard time trying to tie it up with the Halloween theme. So anyway, in line with the Halloween, I pick quotes from Jane Austen’s Gothic Northanger Abbey. Volume II chapter 7, Penguin edition 2003. The story in Chapter 6 is that Catherine tried to open a drawer inside her room in the Abbey, and she could not do that though she had been trying all night long. Then, right at the next morning, she got up, inexplicably opened the drawer without resistance, and found a roll of disjointed sheets which contain linen ordering and other non-Gothic stuffs.

“She felt humbled to the dust. Could not the adventure of the chest have taught her wisdom? ... How could she have so imposed on herself?- Heaven forbid that Henry Tilney should ever know her folly!”

Poor Cat. And I understand her, for in the past I had lots of fanciful thoughts that turned out to be incorrect, and I had to swallow my pride and admitted I was sooo wrong! Teenage time. Surely those things happened to one of you as well? One thing for sure, Jane Austen captured the fanciful thoughts of a Gothic-loving teenager very well.

Pic: Catherine scared herself by reading ‘Udolpho’, by CE Brock 1907 from Solitary Elegance


  1. So true. Never fear, dear Icha, you are not alone, for we are all in the same boat.

    Jane knew us so well.

    Linda the Librarian

  2. You are so true, Jane knew us all at every age (soul & mind) better than any other writer.

    Sorry, Team Jane, for my lack of comments but I was a bit distracted lately by a new “foolish passion” for yet another great story/book (N&S by Elizabeth Gaskell) and its BBC adaptation that I’ve discovered only this summer – thanks again to PBS Masterpiece for airing “Cranford”, helping me this way to find out about her wonderful books.

    Belated Congratulations to you, dear Mrs. Arell : -) hope you’ll have a Brilliant, Incandescent Happy marriage!!!

    Hugs & kisses to all of you (including little Peanut)

  3. Thanks Linda and Mariana for the comments. Yeah, to be old and wise we have to be young and stupid first, LOL!


    Take a look at my musing about NS here and you'll know what I mean:

  4. I KNOW, dearest Icha, I cannot believe myself that almost 4 years I’ve been living in the darkness. Well, not completely because there was a light named Mr Darcy and its reflection: Colin F, and lately, the incandescent heart-melting McLefroy, but nothing compares to this “Illuminating”-dark-handsome-brooding Thornton-Armitage …and yes, “I am aware of the contradiction embodied in that” description” LOL!!!

    Thanks for the link –I’ll leave a comment there as well

  5. Oh N&S is sooo good Mariana! I saw the adaption first and then realised I was actually owning the book and had been for like 8 years without reading it! :o I still cannot believe I didn't fall for it the first time I tried to read it. It is awesome! Mr Thornton is one of my favourites! and Richard Armitage! read about my take on it here:

    just on a side note, I've actually published my first P&P-fanfic. Modern with a Shakepearean twist. Read more here:

    Married life is actually treating me quite well. Not much different from before to tell the truth... But I like it! ;)

    Hugs and kisses from Mrs A and Peanut

  6. Thank you Maria for the link, I’ll leave some comments –my “first impressions” maybe this evening when I will have more me-time.

    Congratulations for your first published fan-fiction!

  7. I do have to acknowledge my dis-allegiance over Tom Lefroy, for not only once or twice I am swayed towards John Thornton. Aaahhh! Oh, Maria, congrats for your PP fanfic. Sorry I've been busy, haven't got time for those delicious activities of reading/writing fanfic.

    Speaking of comments, I haven't been able to receive Blogger comments lately. Maria, do you have similar probs with your blog?

  8. icha, no no problems, the few I've gotten I have received as usual.

    Seriously, Thornton's speech in the book after Margaret got hit by the stone is so passionate! I love it. I really have to read it again soon.

    I relish these moments when I can write now, since I don't know how much I will be able to once Peanut is out. :P

    hugs and kisses

  9. This is the speech I meant:

    “Oh, my Margaret--my Margaret! no one can tell what you are to me! Dead--cold as you lie there, you are the only woman I ever loved! Oh, Margaret--Margaret!” Inarticulately as he spoke, kneeling by her, and rather moaning than saying the words, he started up, ashamed of himself, as his mother came in. She saw nothing, but her son a little paler, a little sterner than usual.

    It's sad they didn't include that in the adaptation. Oh how I want him... :P

  10. That's an awesome Thornton quote alright, Maria honey. And rather pity not to be included in the movie.

    BUT, dearest sexiest Richard Armitage changed it with a very worried and concerned look at Margaret as he caressed her pale unconscious face. He then stood up and faced the crowd... aaah! That's a great substitute. I even doubt that if Richard said those words in the book, the effect would be the same. His look was more than enough.

  11. Icha, yes, that is true. Aw Richard! :P I seriously have to watch it again now...

  12. I’m smiling with delight, happy that I’m not the only one “Lost in Gaskell” and “running mad as often as I chuse” to watch Mr Thornton-Armitage : -))

    I’m wondering what Jane would say/ write about all these ladies (young and not-so-young) if she could see such a synchronized fainting ...wait a minute, she already wrote about us ...we are in a way Lydia, Kitty and Mrs Bennet only that we swoon over gentlemen wearing (wet) white shirts and cravats instead of military uniforms LOL!!!

  13. Am I the only person in the world who has not seen N&S? Stomps foot in a rage because our library does not have a copy. I refuse to buy it until I view it once "to determine for myself"!!!!

    I feel like I am missing out on everything! Argggh!

    Linda the Librarian

  14. Linda dearest, you can do a search on YT, I’m sure you’ll find it all there uploaded by many users (try this one:, but I must say: “Beware of fainting-fits... Though at the time they may be refreshing and agreeable, yet believe me they will in the end, if too often repeated and at improper seasons, prove destructive to your Constitution...” I assure you, no age will keep you safe from swooning over Mr.Thornton- Richard Armitage.

    Enjoy it!


  15. Linda honey, just watch those YouTube, and you shall be in want of the original DVD! Unless you are impervious against a tall-dark-handsome mill-owner...with white cravat... particularly when he de-cravated himself in Ep 3... aaarrrggghhhh!!!

    I mean, Tom Lefroy (JMA) is GORGEOUS! Flirtatious even. But there's something so disturbing about Armitage's dark eyes and raspy voice... arrrggghhhh!!!

    Gotta stop, gotta stop, gotta stop!
    Where's Michelle to distract me with the BALD Armitage? (there's a US politician named Richard Armitage as well, but he's nowhere as beautiful as THE Richard 'Thornton' Armitage...)

  16. Ok that does it. I'm having a N&S marathon this afternoon. I'm craving Mr Thornton. Wonder if my hubbie can arrange a meeting? :P I haven't craved anything really during my pregnancy, but now I crave Armitage. Give him to me!

  17. I have to join in this wonderful conversation. I cannot believe, dear Linda, that you have not seen the wonders of North and South. The adaptation truly is brilliant. Check out this homeage on youtube- - isnt it beautiful?!

    Have any of you seen the 1999 Wives and Daughters adaptation? For fear of being cursed, I think I preferred it! I did adore it though. I think Justine Waddell is just fantastic and she captured my heart with her depiction of Molly Gibson.

    I am off to read Maria's fanfic...thanks in advance Maria!

    Big hug to you all

  18. I LOVED Cranford (THANKS PBS!!!) I absolutely recommend it with all my heart. I’ve read that the series will return (to BBC One) in a two-part special for Christmas 2009 – read more here:

    ...just in case you’ll not trust me
    Daily Telegraph (James Walton): “Perfect isn’t an adjective that we nit-picking old critics like to use very often – but, in the case of Cranford, I really can’t think of a better one.”
