Saturday, 29 November 2008

Birthday gifts and wishes for dearest Jane Austen

Dearest friends,

16 December is just two weeks away so to speak, so Team Jane have been thinking of what to do to celebrate Jane's birthday. We came up with the idea of "Birthday gifts and wishes for dearest Jane Austen".

The idea is: every one who wishes to can submit their birthday gifts and or wishes to Jane Austen prior to 16 December 2008 (Jane's 233rd birthday). For instance, Rachel can take out some pics from Chawton or whatever for Jane... Linda can write a letter to Jane... Maria can make a special music video (or fanfiction) for Jane... Marianne can do a short analysis or whatever... Michelle can put a special music note for her on the blog... The gentlemen... Bilbo can do a simple birthday wish if he wishes to... etc etc etc (sorry for the regulars who are not mentioned here, it's just an example).

I myself might end up with a one-shot fanfiction about Jane's birthday. I said might... due to my deadlines, but Jane has given me so much that I think "Happy Birthday, Jane!" is insufficient, at least for me.

Interested? Again, submit your gifts or wishes to me AND Rachel before 16 Dec, and we will post them regularly here.

Pic: Jane and Cassandra Austen, by Jane Odiwe


  1. Dearest Icha, you couldn't have pleased me more than suggesting that I write a letter to dear Jane. I love it. You shall see what I mean when you get my letter. Thanks a bunch,

    Linda the Librarian

  2. Oh, this is a lovely idea, Team Jane! Dearest Jane is always in my thoughts, more often these days as her Birthday and Christmas are approaching and I was actually expecting something special from you. THANK YOU for inviting me to this wonderful celebration… I'll see what I can do this week -hopefully it will be ready for next weekend

    Infinity of Jane LOVE
    & Hugs

  3. Have you read A Jane Austen Daydream? Really good fan fiction about her life and whether she found love or not
