Saturday, 20 September 2008

BJ Fansite's article of Madam Lefroy at the Jane Austen Center!

My deep gratitude to Laura Boyle and her Jane Austen Center in Bath, and also to dearest Rachel who wrote an excellent biography of Madam Anne Lefroy last year, we now have the Madam Lefroy article from Becoming Jane Fansite attached and quoted by the Jane Austen Center. Here's the link to the Madam Lefroy section at the Jane Austen Center.

It's a pleasure for us to help you, Laura. Ladies, keep up the good work! I understand we've been pretty quite because of our schedules, but we're still here to support the amicable friendship of Jane Austen and Tom Lefroy!

Pic: Madam Anne Lefroy from the Jane Austen Center

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