Saturday, 10 May 2008

Alessia's beautiful wallpaper!

Thanks so much for Alessia for the gorgeous wallpaper! It's here for people to download, and it's very gorgeous that I shall put it on my laptop right away!

Thanks so much for all of you readers. Becoming Jane Fansite is meaningless without your attentions. Truly.


  1. thank you very much for your attention to my work..i'm very honoured you have chosen my wallpaper for the blog...thank you so much and i hope that you will always continue to write in the blog with new informations about jane austen's world even though "becoming jane" is now on dvd and it's not a new movie..i love it very much and i've seen it tousand and tousand times!!!!!!!thank you thank you very much for your great job!!!

  2. Thanks sweetie. I've tried to put it on either left-side bar or the bottom bar, but it didn't work. Something's wrong with Bloggers perhaps, it's usually okay. When the system is on again, I will have another go.
