Friday, 18 April 2008

Mariana's Tom & Jane Portrait

A very big "thank you" to Mariana for emailing us her gorgeous interpretation of Jane Austen and Tom Lefroy, together. It's beautiful, Mariana!

Pic 1: Supplied by Mariana


  1. Methink it's absolutely gorgeous; it deserves a place at the left-side bar. I shall endeavour to do that immediately.

    Thanks a lot, Mariana!

  2. Great job Mariana! It's awesome!


  3. It's boo-ti-ful - you have me all teary eyed and choked up! Thanks, Mariana, it's so lovely I can't talk right! We can dream for them both.

    Linda the Librarian

  4. I love this beautiful illustration and the way you have captured that certain 'look' between them!

  5. Oh, dearest friends, I am so happy that you like my dream-picture of Jane and Tom. I poured all my love for them in every ‘click of the mouse’ and I smiled all along while drawing them gazing at each other.

    Thank you for embracing my vision with such warm comments…specially, coming from you Jane.

    My love to all of you
