Saturday, 9 February 2008

The waiting is almost over: Becoming Jane DVD and Blu-ray!

Sorry for the long silence, seemingly all Team Jane are busy bees at the moment. However, I am very pleased to inform/remind you all that next week (Tuesday, 12 February 2008, to be precise), we will have the US version of Becoming Jane DVD and Blu-ray available!

Miramax has offered to send me a free copy of the BJ DVD, and I shall review it once it arrives (thank you, Miramax!). I also received a press release of the DVD, and it contains the latest featurettes of the DVD as follows:

* Discovering the Real Jane Austen – The best known author of her era, she continues to sell books and inspire films almost two hundred years after her death, but what do we really know about Jane Austen? Find out some surprising truths in this fascinating featurette.

* Becoming Jane Pop-Up Facts & Footnotes - Interactive insights

* Audio Commentary with director Julian Jarrold, writer Kevin Hood and producer Robert Bernstein

* Deleted scenes

So, have you guys pre-ordered at the yet? It’s at $ 17.99 there, not the previously-announced $ 29.99, so better get it now. I shall drop a review as soon as I receive my copy from Miramax (wink!).


  1. very cool. I love to watch the movie with the director's comments on.

  2. Well,I must say this US cover is nicer than UK one which I have...And the special features seem to be also different.Hm:/

  3. This is great. I cannot wait. Thanks for the post Icha, I know how busy you are at the moment.

  4. My BJ DVD from Sweden (nordic edition) came last week. No extras what so ever! :( me so sad. I just might have to buy the US one...

    My other order from Amazon is delayed. I've only got Persuasion so far. ITV collectionbox is coming later...

    /hugs from Maria in Sweden

  5. I picked up the DVD yesterday morning before work, and just about died waiting to get home in the evening to watch it! I was so not disappointed. Watching the movie for only the second time -- after waiting six months -- was beyond worth the wait. I loved some of the deleted scenes, and the "Discovering Jane" featurette was awesome. Hope everyone gets theirs soon! :)

  6. Oh man!

    I think I really really have to order it now. Tell me about the deleted scenes, Meg! I really wanna know what they are!

  7. By the way, Megan and anyone who has watched the US DVD, can you ladies inform us if the DVD has any subtitles? For Natalia from Brazil requested information on the movie release in Brazil, and Rachel could not find one. If the DVD has subtitles, perhaps it might quench their thirst to watch the movie then.

    thanks a lot!

  8. I'm going to pick up my BJ DVD on Sunday! Just a reminder, if you're a Borders Rewards member, there's a 25% coupon which you can use to purchase the DVD. That's what I'm going to do. By the way, I checked the Borders page for the DVD and the description says that only French and Spanish subtitles are included.

  9. Being able to watch BJ again from start to finish is great! The bonus features on the U.S DVD are impressively extensive and pleasing. There are 13 deleted scenes, videos of which, based on a brief Google search, are apparently available on YouTube, AOL, etc. I'm e-mailing a captured pic of the scene list to Icha, in case she thinks the list would be of interest on the fansite. I won't attempt to dsecribe the scenes; Rachel did a very good job of that last September with several scenes.
    The 'Discovering the Real Jane Austen' bonus feature is also very good. The title is rather misleading, however, as the feature is more about the making of the movie than about JA. Surprisingly, the 'Jane Austen Book Club' DVD has as a bonus feature 'The Life of Jane Austen', which IS all about JA & her work.

  10. Thanks a lot Tammy and Bilbo. Tammy, thanks for the subtitle info. The Brazilians speak Portuguese, but since Spanish and Portuguese is rather closely related, perhaps they could still understand the conversations in BJ.
