Thursday, 9 August 2007

More on the Truly Moving Picture (TMP) Award Interview with Julian Jarrold

Icha previously made a post about the TMP interview with the Becoming Jane director Julian Jarrold, kindly provided to us by Lisa Trifone.

Lisa updated us today with news that the interview is now available in audio form on the TMP podcast.
Here is the link:

Furthermore, the unedited interview with Julian that may potentially contain some film spoilers can be found here in text version:

The audio version of this will be available shortly on the website.

Happy Listening!

Pic 1: TMP logo

Pic 2: Julian Jarrold from


  1. Thanks for posting! You can also download us on iTunes here:

    Are you as excited as we are for this movie to finally come out nationwide!? :)

  2. Thanks for sending us the link Lisa.
    We have our fingers and toes crossed that everyone will love the film as much as we do!

  3. LOL! Fingers and toes crossed!

    Thanks Lisa. I also feel the excitement that by now some of the viewers would have or will finish the viewing soon, and will go home to ruminate on their feelings and wipe the running down mascara! ;-)
