Tuesday, 24 July 2007

Anne Hathaway U.S. schedule interviews

AH_fan (I assume from Annie-Hathaway.com) informed that Anne Hathaway will be having several TV interviews to promote Becoming Jane. The schedule is as follows:

The Late Show with David Letterman - Friday, July 27
Live with Regis & Kelly - Wednesday, August 1
Late Night with Conan O'Brien - Thursday, August 2

I'm not in the U.S., so I'm not sure the exact time of it. But I assume you guys are familiar with these shows? Go check it out and tell me how it goes.


  1. Thank you Icha!
    I found a new book I had not seen on your book list:
    "Jane Austen: The World of Her Novels"

    I saw it at the Met in NYC but you can buy it on Amazon too. I can't wait to read it!

  2. Hey Kari, can you do me a favour? Tape the interviews, or at least make a short note of what they are gonna talk about in the interviews? I cannot access David Letterman's show in real time here, I suppose. And do drop me an email about how it goes? I'm sure YouTubers will have the clips ready to install, but an impression from you would be great!

    thanks a heap!

  3. Oh, and thanks for the book. "Jane Austen: The World of Her Novels" was written by Deirdre Le Faye. That alone guarantees quality! Don't have it yet, blow my pocket already for 'Visitation of Ireland' and Helen Ashton's 'Parson Austen's Daughter'...

  4. Hi Icha

    I cannot tape, but I will do my best to send info from the interviews right after they happen, and before the youtub-ers post!

  5. Cool! Thanks a lot darl, that means a lot!

  6. Hi Icha

    I saw this on nymag.com this morning. Evidently the NYC Premiere was last night and our two stars are said to have attended. Maybe someone can find some images to share? This is what I found:

    The Girliest Girl Who Ever Girled 7/24
    • Becoming Jane premiere. Landmark Sunshine Cinema, 143 E. Houston St., nr. Forsyth St., 7:30 p.m. Stars Anne Hathaway and James McAvoy will be present. After appearing in a movie about Vogue and a movie about Jane Austen, there's really only one way Anne Hathaway could get any more girlie: by portraying a pair of shoes in the Sex and the City movie.

  7. Hiya

    I saw the interview with Anne on Dave Letterman. It was cute. They talked about a view various things unrelated to the film.

    Anne said the cast was great but shooting in Ireland sucked becuase of the weather and corset costumes.

    She said that in order for them to look even older for the last scene, she suggested they all get drunk so they would have hang-overs for the shoot. They did it!

    They showed the clip of Jane and Tom at the ball where she is talking about him and he his behind her. Dave commented on the chemistry between Jane and Tom in the film. Then the segment ended.

    Hope that will do till someone can put it up on Youtube!

  8. She said that thing about getting drunk? That's SOOO funny! So very Anne! Well, James surely looked old... my friend said that he looked ugly! LOL! I think he looked appropriately sad to see the former love of his life...

    Thanks a lot, Kari. No Anne Hathaway David Letterman show for this one yet in YouTube, so I say you beat them here :-D

    If you see the reports of any other TV interviews, do let me know.


  9. Alas - someone has heard your request!

