Tuesday, 5 June 2007

Husband and Lover scene

I just learned how to display the YouTube scenes here (silly me), so to share the happiness, I want to insert this 'Husbands and Lovers' clip from YouTube. Forever thanks to RQS11 for posting the video; Rachel and I have grown so fond of it, and we have watched the scene many times for fan-fiction guide.

I just hope soon we will learn of the title of the dance song, it's a great pity it was not there in the OST...

This is the link of the YouTube video in case anyone wants to put that in their 'favourite list' (I do!).

I have also updated the U.S. official trailer, and now it has the direct YouTube video. I learned the simple way of attaching YouTube from this site:


  1. Glad you learned how to insert YouTube scenes.

    Can't wait to see this movie.

  2. Wow, you know what? You're our FIRST commentator! Yay! Well, actually, I am a bit sad that no one has dropped any comments yet (in the message board they said the web was good). So, you're in the U.S? I thought you live in the UK. Anyway, yeah, go see the movie, and tell me how it goes!

    (and I will insert more and more scenes, now that I learned the simple way of doing that!)
