St. Patrick at the St. Benin Church, Kilbennan, Ireland |
Since St. Patrick's Day
was just a few days ago, it has been on my mind. Thus, I could not help
but notice the references to that Day in the newspapers here in the middle of
the United States. I was amazed to see that there are so many
celebrations for it way over here in the U.S. Specifically, there was an
advertisement for a St. Patrick's Day Parade in Memphis, Tennessee and another
advertisement for locally sponsored tour of Ireland. I don't get around
much, so those ads took me by complete surprise.
Which brings me to my
Jane Austen quote when she talked of Tom and called him "my Irish
friend". Putting all this together makes Ireland a really Big Deal!
So as far as I am
concerned Tom shall always be "my Irish friend" too!! Jane and
I have spoken!
Yrs aff'ly,
Linda the Librarian