Sunday, 30 December 2012

Jane Austen Quote of the Week 218

The full moon tomorrow night is a great way to end 2012 and begin 2013

Dear friends, 

The year 2012 is finishing soon, only 26 hours to go. We have so many things we experienced in 2012, things we regret and things we are grateful for. Yet, I do believe that despite all the sadness, one thing remains: Hope. And to feel hope, one often have to alter their view of the world, or at least about a subject. Doesn't have to be a radical shift; a small one will do. But having a different perspective is important because we can then see things more objectively. Somehow, gratitude can emerge out of it, along with hope for a better tomorrow. 

For this reason, I choose this passage from Pride & Prejudice Chapter 50. What Lizzy Bennet had here captured what I meant by shifting our perception from a smaller view to a larger one.
[Elizabeth] began now to comprehend that he was exactly the man who, in disposition and talents, would most suit her. His understanding and temper, though unlike her own, would have answered all her wishes. It was an union that must have been to the advantage of both; by her ease and liveliness, his mind might have been softened, his manners improved, and from his judgment, information, and knowledge of the world, she must have received benefit of greater importance.
You see, to me a change of perception does not have to be big. A small change of perception will do, as long as it brings us closer to peace, understanding and liberation.

FYI, I have actually posted this quote before in 2008. However, four years have passed already (wow, that soon?!), and thus I think a reiteration of this quote is forgivable. 

Happy New Year everyone! May 2013 brings us more happiness, health, prosperity and peace for all of us, for all living beings on Earth. 

By the way, the full moon tomorrow night (31 Dec 2012) is a great way of ending one chapter and opening a new one. Be ready for beautiful things to happen! We don't know what's around the corner, so keep opening and being receptive. Blessings and love for all of you.


Wednesday, 26 December 2012

A lovely Jane/Tom YouTube from Mariana!

Dear friends, I hope you have/had enjoyable and peaceful Christmas. Our dear friend Mariana sent post before Christmas, but I'm sorry that I haven't got time to post it until now. 

Jane Austen ~ Once Upon a Christmas

This is what she said:

Hello dear friends, I'm sending a little video I've created to celebrate Jane/Tom youthful love, which is dedicated to you as a thank you for your kindness and support received during the last 4 years for my exceedingly enthusiastic theses. Also, to send my "Kind love & good wishes for a happy New Year to you all".
Thank you so much, Mariana! Merry Christmas to you and your family!

Monday, 24 December 2012

Christmas Quote of the Week 217

I want to firstly wish you all best wishes for this week and the whole of 2013, from Linda, Icha and myself.

I have found a quote written by George, Jane’s father, in a letter to his sister-in-law.
Cassandra (Jane's mother) was not at home as she had visited her sister to help her in childbirth.
The quote is taken from Deirdre Le Faye’s Jane Austen: A Family Record, p. 23.

“I don’t much like this lonely kind of Life.”

Talking about his family paying a visit, he said:

“I say we, for I certainly shall not let my Wife come alone, & I dare say she will not leave her children behind her.”

I think that this shows how much he cares for his wife and although this wasnt written at christmas time, I think it is such a wonderful representative of the importance of family time at christmas.

Pic: George Austen in Becoming Jane

Saturday, 15 December 2012

Jane Austen Quote of the Week 216

Since December 16th is Jane's 237th birthday, it is appropriate to quote something Jane wrote that contains the date December 16.  This is from Chapter 1 of "Persuasion":
Amanda Root as Anne Elliot (1995)
Precisely such had the paragraph originally stood from the printer's hands; but Sir Walter had improved it by adding, for the information of himself and his family, these words, after the date of Mary's birth -- "Married, December 16, 1810, Charles, son and heir of Charles Musgrove, Esq. of Uppercross, in the county of Somerset," and by inserting most accurately the day of the month on which he had lost his wife.
I thought it rather quaint/lovely/remarkable that Jane would use the date of her own birth in her book.  And to add to that, our friend, Anielka (who admits to being born in December also) posted a genealogical list of Jane's relatives that were born in December.  You may read that HERE.
So Happy Birthday Jane and Anielka!
Yrs aff'ly,
Linda the Librarian

Sunday, 9 December 2012

Jane Austen Quote of the Week 215

This week I had the fortune to visit the christmas market at Winchester. The market was located just behind Winchester cathedral, the site of Jane's burial. In 2007 I wrote a post with information regarding Cassandra's response to her death, read it here.

The market was beautiful and I kept thinking about Jane and how the cathedral was "a building she admired so much" (written in a letter from Cassandra Austen in 1817, XCV, Winchester: Sunday )

I have chosen to quote a poem Jane wrote three days before her death in Winchester:

When Winchester races

When Winchester races first took their beginning

It is said the good people forgot their old Saint

Not applying at all for the leave of Saint Swithin

And that William of Wykeham's approval was faint.

The races however were fixed and determined

The company came and the Weather was charming

The Lords and the Ladies were satine'd and ermined

And nobody saw any future alarming.--

But when the old Saint was informed of these doings

He made but one Spring from his Shrine to the Roof

Of the Palace which now lies so sadly in ruins

And then he addressed them all standing aloof.

'Oh! subjects rebellious! Oh Venta depraved

When once we are buried you think we are gone

But behold me immortal! By vice you're enslaved

You have sinned and must suffer, ten farther he said


These races and revels and dissolute measures

With which you're debasing a neighboring Plain

Let them stand--You shall meet with your curse in your pleasures

Set off for your course, I'll pursue with my rain.

Ye cannot but know my command o'er July

Henceforward I'll triumph in shewing my powers

Shift your race as you will it shall never be dry

The curse upon Venta is July in showers--'.

For your information the roman name for Winchester was Venta. St Swithin's Day is 15th July, the day this poem was written and always associated with rain. I find it so amazing that she was writing such inspiring poetry days before her death, and funny too - rain does not make the best conditions for a race!

Pic: Winchester Cathedral

Sunday, 2 December 2012

Jane Austen Quote of the Week 214

This BJ scene is not about Anna Austen, but it reminds me of Jane's editing skill as Cassandra (Anna Maxwell Martin) examined a heavily-edited letter from Jane

This time, the quote is taken from Deidre le Faye’s ‘Jane Austen’s Letters’, p. 267. The quote popped up as an example to the relationship of Jane Austen and her niece Anna Austen (later AA Lefroy) who also aspired to be a writer. The letter was dated mid July 1814. Due to its funny abbreviations, I crossed check it with Pemberley’s Brabourne version to understand what is what (e.g., G.M. was actually Grandmama!). If she was like this in the non-mobile phone era, imagine how she would abbreviate her text in modern era, this Jane Austen!

My dear Anna – I am very much obliged to you for sending your MS. It has entertained me extremely, all of us indeed; I read it aloud to your G. M. [Grandmama] - & At C. (Aunt Cass), and we were all very much pleased. The spirit does not droop at all. Sir Tho:- Lady Helena and St. Julian are very well done, & Cecilia continues to be interesting in spite of her being so amiable. – It was very fit you should advance her age. I like the beginning of D. [Devereux] Forester very much, a great deal better than if he had been very Good or very Bad. A few verbal corrections are all that I felt tempted to make – the principal of them is a speech of St. Julian to Lady Helena – which you see I have presumed to alter. – As Lady H. is Cecilia's superior, it wd not be correct to talk of her being introduced; Cecilia must be the person introduced – And I do not like a lover speaking in the 3rd person; - it is too much like the formal part of Lord Orville, & I think it not natural. If you think differently, however, you need not mind me. – I am impatient for more - & only wait for a safe conveyance to return this book.- Yours affectly, J.A.

Miss Austen

I like the way Jane supervised her niece in the art of writing. I’d imagine Jane Austen would be a thorough (and I mean, thorough) supervisor for English literature!

Monday, 26 November 2012

Tom Lefroy Quote of the Week 26

A splendid Regency dinner
Since we are in the midst of a Thanksgiving Day weekend here in the United States, I thought it appropriate to see what Tom had to say on the subject.  So, I quote from page 370 of the "Memoir of Chief Justice Lefroy".
His habitual dependence on God's providence and love may be traced in his invariable practice of calling us all together for united prayer or thanksgiving on each occasion or separation or re-union.  I do not recollect his ever leaving home to attend Parliament, or for his judicial duties on Circuit, without assembling the members of his family to ask for God's assistance and blessing upon the discharge of his own duties, and committing to his care and guidance those from whom he was parting.
Those words portray a Tom Lefroy of deep feelings both Christian and loving for his family.  How could you not love someone like that?
I wish for all our readers a Happy Thanksgiving!
Yrs aff'ly,
Linda the Librarian

Monday, 19 November 2012

Jane Austen Quote of the Week 213

I've been in a cupcake-frenzy since last year. This week alone, I baked two batches of cupcakes: lemon cupcake with lemon Swiss meringue buttercream and red velvet cupcake with strawberry swiss meringue buttercream. Thus, I tried to find a quote about cake in one of Jane Austen's books, and what better place to find it than Emma? 

The wedding cake Mr Woodhouse despised so much in Emma 2008

True to form, Emma brought me many cake-related paragraphs, particularly in relation to Mr Woodhouse. Poor Mr Woodhouse. He wouldn't approve my cupcake-frenzy at all! Just have a look at what he thought of the wedding cake (that were supposed to be eaten anyway) during Miss Taylor's wedding (Volume I Chapter 2, from this site):

There was no recovering Miss Taylor--nor much likelihood of ceasing to pity her; but a few weeks brought some alleviation to Mr. Woodhouse. The compliments of his neighbours were over; he was no longer teased by being wished joy of so sorrowful an event; and the wedding-cake, which had been a great distress to him, was all eat up. His own stomach could bear nothing rich, and he could never believe other people to be different from himself. What was unwholesome to him he regarded as unfit for any body; and he had, therefore, earnestly tried to dissuade them from having any wedding-cake at all, and when that proved vain, as earnestly tried to prevent any body's eating it. He had been at the pains of consulting Mr. Perry, the apothecary, on the subject. Mr. Perry was an intelligent, gentlemanlike man, whose frequent visits were one of the comforts of Mr. Woodhouse's life; and upon being applied to, he could not but acknowledge (though it seemed rather against the bias of inclination) that wedding-cake might certainly disagree with many--perhaps with most people, unless taken moderately. With such an opinion, in confirmation of his own, Mr. Woodhouse hoped to influence every visitor of the newly married pair; but still the cake was eaten; and there was no rest for his benevolent nerves till it was all gone.

There was a strange rumour in Highbury of all the little Perrys being seen with a slice of Mrs. Weston's wedding-cake in their hands: but Mr. Woodhouse would never believe it.

Five 'cake' words in two paragraphs; all related to Mr Woodhouse' objection of cakes. Well, Mr Woodhouse, you don't know what you're missing! You can always double your walk around the park, you know...

As if it's not enough, Mr Woodhouse, here I post a link to how to make the 2008 Emma wedding cake from Vic (Jane Austen Today). Vic suggested baking 'Mrs Perrot's Pound Cake', the recipe of which can be found in 'Jane Austen's Cookbook' (which I might purchase one day!). Enjoy!

Monday, 12 November 2012

Jane Austen Quote of the Week 212

I know I have a tendency towards quotes from Northanger Abbey but I have yet another this week.
My mum and I went on a wonderful walk today at Bateman's, the home of Rudyard Kipling. I found out on my visit that Jane Austen was his favourite author which was a wonderful surprise. It was a very special day and I wanted to use a quote from chapter 22 of the novel:

"A mother would have been always present. A mother would have been a constant friend; her influence would have been beyond all other."

A simple yet effective quote. I appreciate that I am very lucky and I wanted to acknowledge that today.

Pic: a mother's love

Monday, 5 November 2012

Jane Austen Quote of the Week 211

Here I go again! Off on another tangent! Here's the story. My dear Mother-in-law has been telling me about the benefits of drinking a glass of wine for many years, especially since she has done so for about 70 years herself. So I finally got around to trying a bottle lately and I did feel a difference. So what has that got to do with our dear Jane Austen, you may well ask. I went on a search through her brother James' Loiterer and found the following from Issue No. 14:

The Loiterer No. XIV

THOUGH I know not in what degree of estimation, you have been accustomed to hold the science of Alchymy, yet as the author of every useful invention has a claim on the attention of the candid and liberal, I have made choice of your paper, as the vehicle, to impart to my countrymen a discovery, which has for its object the health and happiness of some thousands of his Majesty's subjects.

You must know, sir, it was ever my opinion that there did exist such an universal panacea, as should not only cure all diseases indecent to the human body, and prolong life to its utmost period, but should be equally beneficial to our mental, as to our corporeal powers; should make us not only healthy, strong, and bold, but also learned, sagacious, and witty. In pursuance of this idea, I have devoted many years to the discovery of this valuable secret; have persevered in my search, in spite of the contempt of the prejudiced, and the laughter of the gay; and now think the attention of my past life well rewarded, in being enabled to impart to my friends a secret, which will promote the happiness of theirs, and which (unlike the generality of modern projectors) I shall generously communicate to the public, without any subscription whatever.

Know then, sir, and tell your readers, that this inestimable medicine, so long sought in vain, that its existence is almost become doubtful, is neither more nor less than port wine— which, I will venture to say, if taken in proper quantities, will answer every purpose of an universal medicine, and be found a most perfect restorative in all diseases both of body and mind.


Please pardon the long quote, namely the first 3 paragraphs, because it addresses the question about the benefits of a glass of port wine. My only problem is trying to decide whether or not James includes a bit of satire or whether he is very serious about it. I did a search of Jane's novels and Lo and Behold! she includes quite a bit of wine drinking!

You may read the rest of the issue HERE and make a determination for yourself.

Now - the bottom line is this: how many other things/foods are out there that we are not aware of that may possibly be beneficial to us? I will give you just one example in my own life, well, maybe two.

I am in the middle of reading "Alzheimer's disease, what if there was a cure?: the story of ketones" by Mary T. Newport. She is recommending the use of coconut oil (so far as I have read yet) and she gives quite a medical/scientific explanation - which is hard for this limited scientific mind to grasp. So this morning I made some quinoa and added some coconut oil. I will get back to you on the results in a month or so.

As a matter of fact it is only in the last year or so that I have discovered other things such as quinoa and tulsi tea from my friends who come from other countries. Thanks, Icha, for the tea recommendation, it works! As I said, how many other things do we need to know about? Please feel free to make recommendations.

Yrs aff'ly,

Linda the Librarian   Pic: Port bottle

Thursday, 1 November 2012

Hampshire: The Upper Test Valley and The Jane Austen Churches

Hi all.

In February of this year I made a post about Chris Brindle's theories regarding the "Unseen Portrait" of Jane Austen, the article can be found again on the link below:

Jane Austen an unseen portrait...the alternative theory

Chris has been in touch to make me aware of two new books that he has written on the topic of Hampshire. The second book titled "Hampshire: Volume 2: Southampton and North Hampshire: Discovering the 19th Century World of Portsmouth Artist R.H.C. Ubsdellhas a 20 page chapter on 'The Upper Test Valley and The Jane Austen Churches.' This and other chapters tells the story of Jane Austen & Anna Lefroy and in full colour covers all the places in Hampshire associated with them and the wider Austen family.

Both these books can be found on and there are some secondhand review copies for £10 if interested.

If any of you have not had the opportunity to visit the UK and see Jane's house and surroundings in Hampshire, make sure it is on the to-do list as it really is worth it.

Pic: Hampshire: Volume 2 cover

Monday, 29 October 2012

Tom Lefroy Quote of the Week 25

The life of a chief justice apparently in the 18th century was apparently not free from gossips and accusations. In page 293 of the Memoir of Chief Justice Lefroy, I found a note how a Sir John Shelley accused Tom Lefroy of avoiding his duties and ordered a substitute to do so instead. Tom Lefroy's following letter dated 23 Feb 1856 refuted such accusation with such a detailed patience, as such:

Kings Inns in Dublin

'I was called to the bar in 1797, which will appear from the Roll of Barristers in the hands of the proper officers of the King's Inns. I was appointed to the Bench as Baron of the Exchequer in 1841, and the date of my patent, which was given up on my promotion to the office of Chief Justice, will be found by the enrolment. The fact that I never missed a circuit, or part of a circuit, since I have been on the bench, can be established most correctly by the proper officer of the Treasury, certifying to his Excellency that no charge appears made at any time for a substitute, to discharge any of my duties on circuit.'

From this small passage, I learned a lot from Tom Lefroy: 1) never to negate a duty (unless you really can't help it), at least to refute any accusations!, and 2) keep records of your achievements handy. Oh, and refute any accusations with calmness and patience. No wonder he was chosen as the Chief Justice of Ireland...

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Jane Austen Quote of the Week 210

I have chosen my quotes from Northanger Abbey. This week I have been thinking lots about relationships and the dynamics between the different personalities of men and women. I may be generalising but I see cases where us women often expect things from men that they simply cannot offer, often due to the fact that they do not think rather than do not care. This led me to thinking about how sometimes women can demonstrate a manipulative nature in terms of relationships.
Henry and Catherine are discussing Isabella Thorpe in in chapter 19 of the novel. Catherine is explaining to Henry how she feels that the attentions of Frederick (Henry's older brother) towards Isabelle are upsetting her brother James' as James and Isabella are engaged to be married.

“Is it my brother’s attentions to Miss Thorpe, or Miss Thorpe’s admission of them, that gives the pain?”

“Is not it the same thing?”
“I think Mr. Morland would acknowledge a difference. No man is offended by another man’s admiration of the woman he loves; it is the woman only who can make it a torment.”

This is a very astute observation by our dear Jane. I think that some women found in these situations can certainly relish in the attention, I have definitely seen it.

This is linked to another quote from chapter 6 where Isabella and Catherine are talking about a potential love interest for Catherine:

"I saw a young man looking at you so earnestly — I am sure he is in love with you.” Catherine coloured, and disclaimed again. Isabella laughed. “It is very true, upon my honour, but I see how it is; you are indifferent to everybody’s admiration, except that of one gentleman, who shall be nameless. Nay, I cannot blame you” — speaking more seriously — “your feelings are easily understood. Where the heart is really attached, I know very well how little one can be pleased with the attention of anybody else. Everything is so insipid, so uninteresting, that does not relate to the beloved object! I can perfectly comprehend your feelings.”

I dont think any of us can deny this!   Pic: Catherine and Isabella

Sunday, 14 October 2012

Jane Austen Quote of the Week 209

James Austen, Jane's brother
I keep finding so much truth and relevancy to today's World in "The Loiterer" - the periodical published by Jane's brother, James Austen, that I can't resist quoting from it.  Especially since I am convinced that Jane, herself, was intimately acquainted with it and its importance.  So this week I will point you to Issue No. 17 where the subtitle is " Modern times vindicated from the charge of Degeneracy."  Here is the first paragraph:
 THE shameful degeneracy of modern times, and the visible superiority of preceding ones in point of almost every moral excellence, has been in all ages, and still continues to be a favourite topic for declamation. To consider and (if I am able) to refute the truth of so mortifying an imputation, is the design of my present paper; and though I should prove unsuccessful; yet any attempt to vindicate the honour of the present age, must surely be entitled to its pardon, if not its approbation.
I find that the premise is still true today as I recall the many (not just one) conversations with my friends that society has degenerated from the morals of our youth.  We have made note of the differences in many areas of our lives. 
Therefore, I highly recommend reading the issue in its entirety to get the complete message.  You can read it here.
I will sign off this way:  Hoping all the best for our Future, I remain
Yrs aff'ly,
Linda the Librarian

Monday, 8 October 2012

Jane Austen Quote of the Week 208

I’ve been practising gratitude these days, recording about five things that I am grateful of per day. It’s a good practice to make me realise how lucky I am. Thus, for this week (well, a few minutes past midnight), I’d like to present a quote about gratitude. Taken from Pride and Prejudice Chapter 44 (Volume III, Chapter 2), set at Pemberley after the dinner with the Gardiners.

Keira Knightley as Lizzy Bennet

As for Elizabeth, her thoughts were at Pemberley this evening more than the last; and the evening, though as it passed it seemed long, was not long enough to determine her feelings towards one in that mansion; and she lay awake two whole hours endeavouring to make them out. She certainly did not hate him. No; hatred had vanished long ago, and she had almost as long been ashamed of ever feeling a dislike against him that could be so called. The respect created by the conviction of his valuable qualities, though at first unwillingly admitted, had for some time ceased to be repugnant to her feelings; and it was now heightened into somewhat of a friendlier nature by the testimony so highly in his favour, and bringing forward his disposition in so amiable a light, which yesterday had produced. But above all, above respect and esteem, there was a motive within her of good will which could not be overlooked. It was gratitude. -- Gratitude, not merely for having once loved her, but for loving her still well enough to forgive all the petulance and acrimony of her manner in rejecting him, and all the unjust accusations accompanying her rejection. He who, she had been persuaded, would avoid her as his greatest enemy, seemed, on this accidental meeting, most eager to preserve the acquaintance, and without any indelicate display of regard, or any peculiarity of manner, where their two selves only were concerned, was soliciting the good opinion of her friends, and bent on making her known to his sister. Such a change in a man of so much pride excited not only astonishment but gratitude -- for to love, ardent love, it must be attributed; and as such, its impression on her was of a sort to be encouraged, as by no means unpleasing, though it could not be exactly defined. She respected, she esteemed, she was grateful to him; she felt a real interest in his welfare; and she only wanted to know how far she wished that welfare to depend upon herself, and how far it would be for the happiness of both that she should employ the power, which her fancy told her she still possessed, of bringing on the renewal of his addresses. [bolded sentences my own]

Gratitude can be found when we are contemplating such a big revelation as Elizabeth’s growing love to Darcy. Gratitude can also be found in simple things, such as a simple dinner with oneself or close friends, the blooming flowers in the garden, and the birds singing up in the sky.Or the simple fact of being alive. 

Have you got anything to be grateful of today, my dear friends?

Sunday, 30 September 2012

The sad fate of Carrigglas Manor

We received an email a few days ago from a John O'Neill. He conveyed sad news about what is happening to Carrigglas Manor, the former home of the Lefroys (including our Tom Lefroy, of course). John went to Carrigglas earlier last year, and found the estate to be in an unkept condition.

It seems that whatever hotel/estate development it was meant to be done in Carrigglas isn't happening now. We wrote several posts about Carrigglas here, here and here. Sad that that Tom Lefroy's symbol of pride and love is now in an utterly desperate state....

Tom Lefroy Quote of the Week 24

This weeks quote is from chapter XII, page 370 of Tom Lefroy's memoir.

"I feel that any memorial of him would be wanting which omitted to notice his unalterable cheerfulness under the little every-day crosses of life. Though the shadow of a cloud might flit past, it seemed as if it could never long obscure the sunshine of his temper or his countenance. If a wet day interfered with some cherished plan for a holiday excursion (and he retained to the very last an almost childlike enjoyment of such occasions) we were sure soon to hear some such remark as "well, only think of the good this gracious rain will do in the country," or "Really when I come to think of it, 'tis a decided advantage to me to have the day at home."

What a wonderful way to be remembered!